Valerio Perini

The 2nd China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition

Lishui - China

Closing date: 25 August 2012

Jury : 5 -7 September 2012

Opening date of Exhibition : 7 november 2012 at Lishui c/o Photography Museum , Zhejiang Province, China

Mode of presentation of pictures:

Only digital files are accepted.

Image must be in JPG format. Maximum dimensions 1024 pixels horizontal and 768 pixels vertical. Resolution 300dpi. .

Digital files should be stored on CD/DVD’s and posted to the organizing committee together with the entry fee

(Entry fee: one section 10 EUROS( 15USD), two sections 15 EUROS(20 USD) . PAYPAL account: , or Cash in the envelop of entries. )

All the information about the exhibition will be shown on the website:

A - Color creative  --------------------------------------------- B - Monochrome creative

Gold Medal  - 1   PSA 1 -------------------------------------------------- Gold Medal  - 1   PSA 1
   Silver Medal  - 3   PSA 1 -----------------------------------------------   Silver Medal  - 3   PSA 1
   Bronze Medal  -  5   PSA 1 ----------------------------------------------   Bronze Medal  -  5   PSA 1
------------- Excellent works  8 - PSA 3 Ribbon ---------------------------------------- Excellent works  8 - PSA 3 Ribbon -----

If interested : download PDF rules

------------------------------------- Rules - The 3nd China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition ---------------------------------- Entry form - Tab of participation to attach files

IMAGES of the Museum of photography of Lishui
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